Let the planning begin..

As another week went by Mike and I continue to start preparing to plan for our wedding. (Yes, we are preparing to plan) On Friday night of last week I asked my best friend since the third grade, Amanda to be my Maid of Honor. She was elated and said yes. Mike has decided on his best man to be Kevin Cudney. He also figured out his groomsmen and I know 1 out of my 2 bridesmaids. Although, I do have an idea of the other person I want to ask.My Beautiful Ring

Then Saturday, April 14, things changed we got the call that my ring was ready. I was thrilled and zoomed over to the jeweler’s. Now I have my ring and it feels much more real that we are engaged. I’ve also been signing up for wedding sites, crazy right?!?

Last night, we did a little impromptu wedding planning and we officially set our date for July 6, 2013. We went back and forth between some different dates but it took us a bit to figure out. Mike had wanted July 9 because that was the date of his late uncle’s birthday whom he was very close with.  Unfortunately, in 2013 that date falls on a Tuesday and weddings don’t happen on weekdays. So we continued to think. Then I thought I want something quirky and I thought of when you write out the date as digits and then it came to me that July 6th it would be despite the 4th of July being on Wednesday. My reason for that date is simple but some might not think of it at first. Simply put 7+ 6= 13.

We are so thrilled. We now have a date and something to work towards. It’s a bit crazy to think about but I couldn’t be more excited about it. Wednesday night we also started to think about our guests. So I am happy where we are. Next things to tackle are my last bridesmaid and location.

So as this becomes so much more real to me there are so many things that are running through my head. The first thing is that I am so very excited that I will be Mike’s wife. But then come the worries, not that this is the wrong decision or anything but just what the future holds for us. I am just thinking about finding a career in my field and Mike finding one in his. I also think about what we are going to do after. Living at Mike’s parents after the weddingThe love of my life (like we do now) is not an ideal situation for us. We want to be living on our own especially as a married couple. Despite those worries though, I have never been so sure of anything in my entire life.

Today, I got some great advice from my future mother-in-law and that is to not be so worried and try to enjoy things. She said if all I do is worry about the things that are out of my control, I won’t be able to enjoy this planning and enjoy what’s going on in front of me. So I am going to try and not think so much about what the future holds. I know Mike and I will be fine and we can get through whatever the future holds for us. It’s one of those things that come with marriage I suppose.  So until next time!

April 20, 2012. Tags: , , , . Personal Blog.

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